We are people from the south, Patagonian by tradition , and we have inherited a respect for the life and the environment that surrounds us.
We are deeply committed to the workers, suppliers, and communities where our operations are located. We aim to have a positive impact on them and build relationships based on mutual respect, commitment, collaboration, and benefit.

Los Yadranes
Los Yadranes are a symbol of the passion of the people of our Patagonia, a seal that is now part of the spirit of our company and that moves us to carry out our work with vocation, respect, and commitment.
We want everyone who is on our team to feel proud to be part of our project, which is grown out of collaboration, understanding that how we achieve our results is as important as the result itself.
We want our collaborators to be able to grow and contribute in their communities, because we understand their importance in achieving our purpose of nourishing the world the right way.

We consider Patagonia our home, so our commitment to its protection is imbued in everything we do and is part of our quality conscience.
Located at the end of the world, amid fjords and mountains, Chilean Patagonia offers some of the purest waters in the world, the source of fresh and healthy salmon. This privileged place has rich biodiversity and acts as a refuge for unique species, it is natural heritage that commands protection.
As a company, we recognize our responsibility in this labor of conservation and we understand that, to guarantee the long-term viability of our activity and our company, it is essential that we put environmental sustainability at its core.

Our relationship
with the community
We feel part of the communities where we operate, and it is part of our responsibility to enrich such relationships, collaborating to encourage the sustainable development of our South and its society.
We have a Community Plan that seeks to contribute through relevant transformative projects, designed in collaboration according to the specific reality of each community, focusing on education, productive development and community well-being.