We believe in forging a sustainable path toward excellence. That is why we have defined strategic objectives aimed at materializing a business model conceived out of sustainability. Based on our strategic pillars, we have established 16 areas of development and identified their respective challenges, constituting our strategy for 2026.
aligned with the company
Ensuring that all those who are part of our organization participate and actively contribute to achieving our purpose, integrating our values into day-to-day operations.
1. We are Yadran
Looking after how our salmon are raised and how they develop with a commitment to quality, every step of the way.
2. Quality product and process
3. Standards that guarantee quality
4. Quality service for our clients

Boosting the development of Patagonia and making advances toward neutralizing the effects of our operatios on the environment.
5. Responsibility toward Patagonia
6. Climate change
7. Waste management and circular economy
8. Water management
9. Fish escapes

Leaving a positive impression on our workers, suppliers and communities and ensuring that their relationship with Yadran is one of mutual respect, commitment, collaboration and benefit.
10. Labor relations
11. Diversity in the organization
12. Health and safety
13. Team development and well-being
14. Our relationship with suppliers
15. Our relationship with the communities where we operate

Ensuring the development of our company, our industry and our Patagonia. Conceiving profitability as a task devoted to the contribution of value to all our stakeholders.
16. Sustainable growth

shared value
Meanwhile, we seek to promote labor inclusion as well as to improve employment conditions for women.
In addition, we are committed to bringing to fruition a culture of preventive safety.
To do so, we want to align their working conditions with the Yadran standard, which sets criteria and norms to promote their well-being and safety.
Likewise, we actively promote the hiring of local suppliers in our production units and projects.
Our Patagonia
Thanks to this assessment, we have developed a clear roadmap to effectively monitor, reduce and manage these impacts, with the objective of moving towards corporate carbon neutrality.
In 2010, the new regulations governing the practice of salmon farming in Chile came into force, regulating concessions, as well as creating the concept of “neighborhoods”, which are areas that, based on oceanographic studies, allow for common sanitary management regulated by the authority, among other related matters.
In addition, our company's biosecurity plans are created using a set of practices, measures and procedures that seek to reduce the risk of biological threats affecting our production centers. In cases where such threats manage to cross sanitary barriers, we are able to control them within the farming center and in coordination with other production centers located in the area.