The road

We are sustainable excellence in every one of our processes, creating a well-being cycle from the origin to its destination.


4 Hatcheries

We have land-based facilities, of which 3 are open flow and one has a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). The four hatcheries are operated by our company, of which three are owned and one is leased. Our production capacity is 8 million smolts per year with a size of 120-175g.

  • Top quality genetics.
  • Optimal environmental parameters.
  • Risk-based approach.


48 concessions.

Our concessions are located in strategic areas of the Los Lagos and Aysén regions. In Chile, concessions are restricted to a specific area, defined species. and a previously established production limit. At this stage, our fish are raised until they reach an average weight of 4.5-5.5 kg.

  • Oceanic-influenced concessions to ensure stable temperatures.
  • Adequate depth of the seabed and optimal water current that allows efficient operations and reduces biological risks.
  • Feeding strategy focused on animal health and well-being.
  • Implementation of live vaccines to improve immune response.
  • Photoperiod control to regulate product maturity and quality.


Quellón Processing Plant

Our processing plant is located in Quellón, on the island of Chiloé, with a capacity to process 40,000 tons per year. Its advanced technology allows us to produce value-added products tailored to our customers’ needs.

  • Strategic location in the southern reaches of the Los Lagos Region, port of entry for vessels from the Aysén and Magallanes Regions.
  • Collection center with direct pumping of live salmon to our processing plant, achieving a time of 3.5 hours from the saltwater cage to packaging the fresh, unfrozen product.
  • Cutting-edge technology for gutting, filleting, trimming and packaging, as well as continuous refrigeration.
  • Controlled temperature in the processing room, maintaining the product between 10°C and 2°C.
  • Incorporation of artificial intelligence, aimed at maximizing the performance of our raw material.

Dispatch and Sale

26 destination countries

Our pre- and post-sale service allows us to distribute fresh and frozen superior Sashimi-grade category Atlantic salmon around the world, guaranteeing a continuous supply based on a reliable service and the ability to respond to our customers’ requirements.

  • Solid supply chain and logistics guaranteeing a continuous supply of fresh, superior Sashimi-grade category product.
  • Patagonia Seafarms commercial office, recognized as one of the most important salmon industry players in the United States.
  • Patagonia Processing plant in Miami, focused on strengthening our offer in that market.
  • Traceability system to guarantee food safety.
  • Product Development Department, to create new opportunities.